Syllabus & Policies

Learning Mathematics

You will learn more than just mathematics in this course. You will also learn critical thinking and cooperative learning skills that can be called upon throughout your lifetime.

This course will cover topics including how to prepare for the demands of higher level math classes, it will strengthen your foundational math skills, you will learn problem solving techniques, and have a better appreciation for the value of math in the world.

You are here, in school, to learn how to LEARN! The goal for teaching mathematics is to assure you enter the working world with problem-solving skills, valuable in every industry. Math is a language (a universal language); and as you develop skills in this language, your brain will become more analytical and sharp. Your stress level reduces as your problem-solving skills increase. You become wise in the ways of thinking about life. You learn to question behaviors and opinions, with a goal of seeking the truth. The inquisitive nature of human beings lends itself to people developing deep reasoning skills. Math is the foundation of science and discovery. Math is the heart of success in every challenge. A brain that has developed mathematical reasoning is one that can face any challenge with ease.

So, welcome to math class! Don’t take this awesome opportunity to learn for granted. It is a gift that many around the globe are not privileged to receive. I encourage you to make mistakes; because, with each mistake, you will gain wisdom and insight. Please use your time wisely, and give yourself space to practice so you can improve your skills every day.

Course Requirements

Students are required to attend class (in person, daily). Students will work in teams, then demonstrate their own knowledge, individually, through assessment.    

Students will need to complete and annotate lesson notes and practice mathematics outside of class time in order to be successful in this course. 2 to 3 hours per week is recommended per class.

GoGuardian & Chromebooks

During class, I monitor student work through GoGuardian (online) and directly (walking around and looking at handwritten work).

Students must bring their district issued Chromebook to class with them every day. Much of our work is digital and interactive. If needed, bring a charging cable as well, as I do not have any to provide.

Standards of Mathematical Practice (SMP) – Perseverance

Perseverance is the persistence in doing something despite difficulty or delay in achieving success.

One of the most important factors in successful learning is perseverance. For students to be successful mathematicians, they must be willing to struggle through mistakes, take risks in their learning, check their work, and try again and again. Learning occurs most often when we fail, and being a successful student is all about trying repeatedly until you eventually get it right.

Perseverance means not giving up, and this will build confidence in math learning over time.

Standards of Mathematical Practice (SMP) – Communication

Communication includes, but is not limited to the following:

  • Sharing work during class on GoGuardian and in person
  • Asking for support from peers and teacher(s)
  • Helping other students when teammates have questions
  • Emailing me (the teacher) for support or to share information
  • Emailing me when they are unable to attend class and need to make a catch-up plan

Grading / Mastery of Standards

100% of a student’s grade is based on their understanding of content (mastery of standards).  Mastery of standards is determined by assessments (tests, quizzes, warm-ups, exit-tickets, individual and group check-ins, classwork, etc.). Summative assessments will be given during class.  Accommodations will be made for students with IEPs. 

Students are not graded on their ability to take a test, but rather their mastery of the required content.  Their grade will be based on their level of mastery (understanding of the standards). Summative assessments can be reassessed for a new grade (based on current level of understanding, which may be a higher or lower score). 

To reassess, students must complete all assigned unit work (notes, practices, online assignments, video lessons, etc.) associated with the standards to be reassessed.

IM1 Goals

  • Foundational Skill Building
  • Introduction to Functions
  • Linear Functions
  • Linear Vs. Exponential Functions
  • Exponential Functions
  • Linear Inequalities
  • Systems of Equations
  • Statistics
  • Intro to Geometry

IM2 Goals

  • Geometry Review
  • Similarity
  • Trigonometry
  • Function Review
  • Quadratics in Context
  • Polynomial Operations
  • Quadratic Revolution
  • Probability



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