Philosophy of Learning

Education is a right, and it is also a gift.

Think about the people you have met over the course of your life… Some are happy. Some are very depressed. Some are positive, and always look on the bright side of a situation; yet, some are negative and always think the world is out to get them and tear them down. Some are successful in their careers. Some are hard-working, but wish for a better job. You respect some people, and you pity others. Some people you care about and befriend, others you overlook and want nothing to do with. Some people upset and frustrate you, and some make you smile and feel happy. Why is this?

It comes down to a few simple words, characteristics really: intelligence, kindness, trustworthiness, and determination. Someone who portrays only one of these characteristics will hardly get them noticed; however, if they sincerely portray all of these traits, they are sure to evoke your deepest respect and appreciation for them.

As a teacher, I look at my job as the person who should mentor and challenge you to be the best human being possible. It is my job to inspire you to become intelligent, kind, trustworty, and hard-working. I recognize that I cannot MAKE you do anything, but I can lead you and challenge you to become a person you would truly respect if you met them in your future. So, how do I do this?

I am one of many people in your life trying to help you learn and grow into a person we can all be proud of. As your math teacher, I will show you specific and unique problem solving strategies to challenge your brain to think constructively and critically. I will show you ways to exercise your brain to help it build connections between neurons. Intelligence lives here! Yet, as mentioned above, intelligence is NOT enough to garner respect from your fellow (hu)man. This is why a well-rounded education is vital for your success.

High school provides the opportunity for you to grow as a human being, becoming more intelligent, kind, trustworthy, and hard-working. By the time you graduate, you will have had many opportunities to develop these life & work-ready qualities. Potential employers, clients, and colleges look for these qualities to build relationships with. The fact that you earned your diploma means you have gained some basic level of intelligence and know what it is like to work-hard. But are you kind and trustworthy? That is something ethical and moral that only you can build within yourself, privately and personally. Yet, it is very easy to show. Do you treat others well? Do you have loyal, long-term friends? Have you proven yourself reliable and capable? Teachers are trained to see these qualities within you, not just assess your knowledge of their specialty content.

So, why learn math if my goal is just to become a better human being? Well, did you see the first trait in the short list above? Intelligence! How does one become intelligent? What does it mean to be intelligent? Webster’s Dictionary defines intelligence as one with, “the ability to learn or understand or to deal with new or trying situations; having reason: the skilled use of reason; and, the ability to apply knowledge to manipulate one’s environment or to think abstractly as measured by objective criteria.” Mathematics education is one component of the intelligence you can gain in school. It specifically helps you LEARN HOW TO LEARN! It teaches you problem-solving strategies, how to make use of structures (already in place), how to choose the right tools for the job, how to think abstractly, yet with precision, how to communicate using logic and reasoning, how to organize your thoughts quantitatively, and above all, it increases your brain power and capacity to become more effective and efficient in everything you do and face in life. Will you use every concept, formula, and theorem in your every day life? Maybe not – unless you want to become a scientist, programmer, engineer, game designer, software designer, business owner, marketing expert, finance analyst, etc. However, numbers and variables will provide you a solid foundation for managing money (costs, expenses, investments, income, budgets, etc.). This is something EVERYONE needs to be able to do! Also, math is used as a gateway to college and many careers. If you have high marks in math, colleges and job sites see you as someone who is good at problem-solving, someone who will persevere no matter what obstacles they face, and someone who is hard-working and loves learning new things! So, if you want to be successful in life, math is one of your strongest allies! Make it the foundation of your learning, and you will always be sought after in the working world!

So, why don’t I just teach math? Why do I care if you are disorganized, late, missing class, goofing off, etc.? Well, we are educators first, and content specialists second. Our JOB is to monitor your progress as a STUDENT, and report on your work ethic, dedication, honestly, effort, ability to collaborate, ability to help others, willingness to learn new things, and so much more. We do this through our content specialty, mine being mathematics. So, yes, it is part of our job; and, we do it not because of that simple fact, but because we know that helping monitor your characteristics as a student will help us help you become a better student in the long run! Also, when it comes time to recommend you for promotion, college, internships, scholarships, and part-time and post-HS jobs, it is your teachers that professionals connect with to find out about you. We know you well, and can refrain from bias (unlike family and friends). We value honesty, and will be honest with those inquiring about you. So, prove yourself to us, and we’ll become your biggest cheerleader & advocate! Even if it takes time, and even if you screw up once in a while, turn yourself around, and we’ll walk the world to help and support you!

So, yes, I am one of your many teachers, trying to help, encourage, and inspire you; AND determine if you are fit and capable to go out into the world. Though I can teach you math, it is your job to learn it. I already know it.  So, now it is your turn!  Take control of your future, and steer yourself toward success!  I am here to help!